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TEPS Raindrops

Image renaming made easy!
TEPS Raindrops
TEPS Raindrops is powerful extension for your photo opportunity that allows roving photographers, school event photographers, and other bar code / QR code photographers quickly import photos and have the software assign the image number to your customer's bar code

Introducing TriPrism’s TEPS Raindrops

Raindrops takes your customer's Bar Code or QR Code, processes the image and renames files by the QR Code / Bar Code name.

Discover features of TEPS Raindrops

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See our online documentation.


TEPS Raindrops
TEP Raindrops can be used to aquire images from a hot folder from multiple cameras, from direct tether capture, or from a camera PC card.
Easy to Use
Easy to setup
Easy to learn
Extremely Configurable


No 'Out of Order' photos

Focus on the experience and not if your bar codes are in order! Allow the software to rename files for you! Simply take a photo of the code, then capture photos of your customers, and repeat.

Capture Images Remotely

Using a wireless transmitter, you can transmit your photo wirelessly back to the computer where the images can be renamed automatically.

Automatic QR Code Detection

When shooting with QR Codes, Raindrops can automatically detect QR codes and rename files! No need to have someone manually uploading the images.

Rename Photos in batches

Quickly Select barcodes and have the software rename your photos!

TEPS Raindrops adds automation to the process of loading barcodes. This is especially beneficial for the roving event photographer where you may be loading multiple groups into TEPS at once. Now, you can use RainDrops to load and rename the images and Bamboo or TEPS X Share to preview and Print. Interested in learning more?